Our Story

Welcome, we are Sofia and William, We've been friends for five years now! We first met during Covid in 2019. Last year, William came up with the idea to start a business making toys for kids. We got together to talk about his idea and got excited about becoming young entrepreneurs.
Since I have been learning business as a subject at school, and William has been inventing and selling some of his cool inventions to friends, we thought—why not combine our skills and create something awesome? Since we're not adults yet, William's dad helped us get everything started, and now we have our own business!
We focus on making high-quality, 3D-printed and laser-cut toys, including unique collectible dragons. Our big goal is to grow our company, go international, and expand beyond Europe. As young entrepreneurs, we're learning so much every day, and we’re really grateful for everyone who has supported us and helped make this possible!


I've always loved
being creative and making people happy. Growing up, I was amazed by how much
joy toys bring to kids. So when William came up with this idea, I was excited
to use my business skills and turn it into something real.

Starting a business
is something I've always wanted to do, and this felt like a unique
opportunity—something that not many kids get the chance to try.

William Alexander

I started making simple wooden things with my dad when I was 5. That same year, I sold my first wooden items! Since then, I've learned how to use electronics, do 3D modeling, and work with 3D printers and laser engraving machines.

I love inventing because I like using my imagination to create things that actually work! All of this made me want to start an online store so more kids can get my inventions faster. 🚀✨